- Pneumatic locking is adopted, and the workpiece clamping pressure can be adjusted by air pressure.
- Suitable for drilling and light milling.
- Air pressure collet chucks can use various types of 5C collet.
- Ideal choice for holding small parts.
- Clamping parts using stand 5C collet.
- Exclusive dual lead wormdrive.

PC-10 Pneumatic Closer
- RNC -
- A
- 115C -
- □
- Collet type
- Version
- Center Height:110mm
- Collet:Stand 5C
- None:Manual
S:Single cylinder
D:Dual cylinders
- There are RNC-50(Table diameter Ø48mm) and RNC-100(Table diameter Ø100mm) model, please contact us for drawing if necessity.